Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Becoming Alpha. You guessed it, a werewolf book

Becoming Alpha (Alpha Girl, #1)Becoming Alpha by Aileen Erin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm one of those people who's very skeptical about werewolf books. I almost never pick them up, and lately I've been avoiding supernatural books in general, feeling sort of tired of the genre. But...something about this book made me want to pick it up. And even though the story might've been a little cliche in some aspects, I'm glad I did--because I really enjoyed it. It was almost a guilty pleasure-type book. I knew it wasn't the most amazingly written story ever, but I couldn't wait to get back to it to finish it.

Tessa's family moves her to a new town, essentially to give her a fresh start. She has visions when she touches things, and it's a rather pesky ability. You'd think her had wouldn't want to move her somewhere he know more supernatural stuff is going on, but oh well, guess he had more faith in her ability to stay away from a school of hot, well-built guys than I would of any teenage girl.

And yep, guess what that school is for? Werewolves. And of course, Tessa is super attracted to Dastien, one of the werewolf guys. Partly because she's seen him before, in one of her scrying visions.

So we have powered, newly-werewolf girl dealing with werewolf guy, plus some vampires and witches thrown into the mix...it's a pretty fun combo. And I must admit, I look forward to reading the next one.

This digital copy of Becoming Alpha was given to me by NetGalley & INscribe Digital in exchange for an honest review.

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